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Earn CEUs at Hope and Recovery in Suicide Care Clinical Conference

September 11, 2019

When people experience mental and substance use disorders, healing is important not just for the client, but for everyone affected – particularly family and significant others, who often experience significant stress around the suffering of their family member.

On Nov. 1, Canvas Health and the Wilder Foundation will host Hope and Recovery in Suicide Care: Clinical work to resolve suicide risk, featuring Dr. Jeffrey Sung at the Wilder Auditorium in St. Paul. Hope and Recovery in Suicide Care presents an overview of clinical interventions for suicide risk with a focus on treatment strategies for ongoing psychotherapy. Improvements in the standardization of suicide risk assessment and management provide clinicians with strategies to manage an acute suicide crisis, but after these initial interventions are completed, clinicians are not always clear on the next steps for effective intervention. This conference will establish a foundation for current best practices in suicide risk assessment and management by reviewing recommendations from national oversight agencies.

*Pre-approved CEUs will be available.

Register here!

Participants will gain abilities to:

1. Assess suicide risk by identifying risk and protective factors.

2. Manage suicide risk by developing a plan that includes fostering connectedness, addressing co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions, reducing access to lethal means and developing a safety plan.

3. Treat suicide risk by identifying direct drivers of suicide and using treatment strategies to resolve these.

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