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Immediate Action Needed: Support SF 4200

March 20, 2020

As Minnesota moves forward with social distancing, it is imperative that mental health providers have the flexibility to continue safely providing mental health services including telemedicine.

Telemedicine - Support SF 4200

That’s why it was so disappointing that the legislature was unable to pass SF 4200.

This legislation allows the commissioner of human services the authority to temporarily waive or modify regulatory, administrative, and program requirements in order to preserve access to crucial health services during Governor Walz’s declaration of emergency for COVID-19.

The most important change for the mental health community would be additional flexibility to provide services via telemedicine instead of face-to-face contact, as well as temporarily waiving the Medical Assistance coverage limit of three telemedicine visits per week. Also included is flexibility in the timelines for processing MA renewals, where face-to-face contact was required, people working across programs, number of absent days from a program and more.

Please contact your legislators today and share this important message:

My name is ____________ and I am a supporter of Canvas Health, a community mental health provider, and your constituent from ________. I’m contacting you today to urge the legislature to reconvene immediately and pass SF 4200. (Briefly share your story about mental illness and why access is so important). Mental health providers will need more flexibility to continue offering needed mental health services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including the expanded use of telemedicine.

(Due to office closures, we recommend that you email and not call your legislator)

While it is important for everyone to contact your legislators in the House and Senate, there are a few members in the House that need to hear from Canvas Health supporters about this issue:

It is also important that every Canvas Health supporter contact Speaker Hortman and Majority Leader Gazelka to ask that the legislature reconvene this week to pass SF 4200.

Thank you for your advocacy! Mental health providers need more flexibility to support people with mental illnesses during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Find out who represents you here.

Source: NAMI-Minnesota

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