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Immediate Openings: Mental Health For Ages 0-5

April 14, 2020

Canvas Heath’s Early Childhood Assistance Program (ECBA) has immediate openings for children ages 0-5.

boy on playground - early childhood mental health services

If your toddler or preschooler is struggling with behaviors like increased tantrums, regression in development, difficulty sleeping, increased anxiety, and/or frequent biting or hitting, we can help.

“A young child’s response to the COVID-19 environment and a change in routine may manifest in different ways than an older child or adult, but that doesn’t make them any less concerning or serious,” said Katherine Zacharias, ECBA supervisor. “Early childhood mental health services can help address these behaviors through work directly with children and parents.”

ECBA Assessments & Treatments

Who is Eligible

To have a conversation about your concerns, or to make an appointment, call Chantel Gramenz at (651) 251-5191

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