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2021, a Stronger You

January 25, 2021

To improve your resilience is to improve your ability to endure life’s challenges and weather the symptoms of your mental illness and/or substance use disorder. Resilience can help you cope with stress and keep yourself focused on and committed to your goals.

strong woman - ways to cope with stress

Managing Stress and Building Resilience

Though the beginning of the year is often a time of reflection and resolution, it’s always a great time for committing to becoming more resilient.

Stress is going to happen—we all have it—but for some of us it comes on too strong and too frequently. Resilience will help you manage that stress by channeling it or lessening its hold on you.

There are a lot of great ways to do this.

A lot of building resilience is taking care of yourself. A happier, healthier person can easier avoid, channel, or reframe stress when a particular stressor isn’t adding or compounding an existing stressor.

By starting with a couple of strategies to build resilience from the above list you can avoid the stress than can come with too high expectations of yourself. Start small and slowly add strategies as you feel it’s manageable. By gradually increasing your ability to do self-care, your project of being more resilient will have a greater chance of success.

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