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Canvas Health is hiring in all areas! Check out our career opportunities here.

canvas health inclusive logo - all are welcome        All Are Welcome at Canvas Health

Canvas Health’s mental health and substance use disorder providers, clinicians, and staff represent a variety of intersecting communities including Black, African American, Latinx, Native American, Indigenous, Asian, Southeast Asian, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer. Together they bring their diverse lived experiences to provide trauma-informed, culturally-relevant, evidence-based mental health and substance use disorder services to people of all ages.

You are welcome at Canvas Health. For individuals in and around the Twin Cities, the first step starts with a phone call or message to our intake staff.

We're here to help.

You are welcome at Canvas Health. We're looking forward to serving you.

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handshake - mental health help, Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota