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Continuing Care During COVID-19: Client grateful for telehealth

May 22, 2020

Ryan, a Canvas Health Telehealth Client, tells his story of how he feels grateful to do his therapy via telehealth:

man on typing on computer - therapy telehealth

I am certainly appreciative of the opportunity to employ telehealth video visits during this time of the COVID-19 crisis.

Without that opportunity, I would not easily be able to reach out to my therapist to keep my weekly visits going forward. I have some underlying health issues that have prevented me from being able to go directly to the mental health clinic during the pandemic and undoubtedly, this would have halted my chance to meet and talk with my therapist completely. The telehealth application has allowed a seamless transition to being able to do my weekly check-ins and talk therapy from the comfort of my home during this crucial time of crisis. Without it, my mental health needs would have been left in a not so positive state. I am still able to maintain an acceptable level of confidentiality and privacy with using the app as well and it has worked great over the past 3 weeks now. It is so easy I may continue to employ it even after the crisis is eased as life allows. Thank you for allowing patient clients to use this medium for a very viable option to live face-to-face visits.

Learn more about Canvas Health’s mental health and substance use telehealth appointments.

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