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Psychological Evaluations: Questions and Answers

March 15, 2024

Canvas Health’s Psychological Services program provides comprehensive or targeted psychological evaluation and consultation. These evaluations may assist diagnostic decision making, treatment planning, risk assessment, placement, employment, or court dispositions.

question marks - Psychological Evaluations Q&A

What is a Psychological Evaluation?

Psychological Evaluations provide an in-depth understanding of an individual’s mental health status and provide diagnostic clarification and treatment recommendations, using psychological tests and extensive review of collateral information. Psychological Evaluations can focus on cognitive functioning, neurocognitive development, or risk assessment for problematic behaviors.

When do I need a Psychological Evaluation?

A psychological evaluation is usually completed when a specific diagnostic question needs to be answered and a routine mental health assessment is not able to address the concern. Psychological Evaluations are often based on a referral made by the examinee’s Primary Care Physician, Psychiatrist or Psychotherapist.

How long does a Psychological Evaluation take?

Depending on the testing that is to be completed, a Psychological Evaluation can take 2 to 8 hours.

What do I need to bring to a Psychological Evaluation?

Any past mental health assessments, current medication information, School-based IEP assessments and plans.

What kinds of questions are given in a Psychological Evaluation?

Clinical history, social and family history, review of mental health symptom presentation.

Does insurance cover Psychological Evaluation?

Yes, with the extent of the coverage varied depending on the insurance plan.

How do I make a referral or appointment for a Psychological Evaluation?

Referrals are accepted from contracting court and social services programs and from other community health care providers, as well as from Canvas Health clinical staff. Please download and fax a request for assessment to the Psychological Services Support Specialist, at (651) 251-5059 with referral or appointment questions.

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