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We are super grateful to Tim Safe of Pathfinder Insurance for donating the proceeds of his first quarter referral program, totaling over $3,640, to Canvas Health.

To help make his program even more impactful, Tim’s community business partners match his donations! Partners include: Kevin Johnson, Forward Accounting, Nick Junker, The Nick Junker Team – Keller Williams Premier Realty, Eric Hoffman, Datastream Connexion, Jon Weaver, Jon Weaver – Mortgage Professional, Pamela Brown, Budget Blinds of Stillwater/Lake Elmo, F45 Training Stillwater, Kristina Marshall, Kristina Lynn Photography & Design, Matthew Stepaniak, Tawnya Stepaniak, Corey Oscarson, Northland Chiropractic Clinic, Lakeview Health Emergency Medical Services, Nick Howe, Mark Howe, Adam Bettin, Buildtec Contracting Company, and Jerry’s Auto Body.

If you’re interested in donating to Canvas Health you can donate online today!


Local Businesses Team Up to Donate Referral Program Proceeds to Canvas Health

We are super grateful to Tim Safe of Pathfinder Insurance for donating the proceeds of his first quarter referral program, totaling over $3,640, to Canvas Health. To help make his program even more impactful, Tim’s community business partners match his donations! Partners include: Kevin Johnson, Forward Accounting, Nick Junker, The Nick Junker Team – Keller […]

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Canvas Health leadership recently announced the agency’s annual CEO Awards. The awards highlight accomplishments in areas including impact to the organization, stress/crisis management, going beyond job description, performance excellence, contribution to morale, and leadership development.

2021 Canvas Health CEO Award Recipients

The 2022 CEO Award recipients include: Andrew Baur, Darcy Gassman, Rodney Gayle, Beth Hopkins, Jamie Lindstrom, Ali Ryan, and Jessica Torrey. Following are excerpts from the award nominations for these outstanding individuals who help make Canvas Health the incredible mental health agency that it is.

Andrew Baur - 2022 canvas health ceo awards recipient

Andrew Baur, Anoka County Crisis

“Andrew’s assessments have been used as examples for staff, even when he was the most junior member of the team. His ability to connect with people and de-escalate crisis situations through both face-to-face and phone conversations is excellent.


Rodney Gayle - mental health crisis provider

Rodney Gayle, Anoka County Crisis

“Rodney has received high praise from school staff in Anoka County for his work with children, and has been requested by a school to conduct assessments due to his gentle and helpful manner. Additionally, as a Veteran himself, Rodney has a passion to work with other Veterans and explore outreach opportunities with this community.”


Ali Ryan - child mental health services - 2022 ceo award recipient

Ali Ryan, School-Based Mental Health

“Ali’s work on Diversity Committee and its subcommittees has resulted in actions that will make Canvas Health stronger for years to come as our agency continues to evolve in its understanding of diversity issues. Ali also has taken on the task of implementing a new Circle of Security Group for parents and children in the Hastings School District.”


Darcy Gassman - 2022 ceo awards recipient

Darcy Gassman, Adolescent Day Treatment

“Darcy consistently goes above and beyond in the Adolescent Day Treatment program. When the opportunity to start an all-day Day Treatment program in Oakdale presented itself, she agreed with excitement to lead the program. Her skills and strengths set the new program on a pathway to success.”


Jamie Lindstrom - adolescent mental health provider

Jamie Lindstrom, Adolescent Day Treatment

“Everywhere Jamie goes, staff and clients want to work with her. She’s not only fun, but she is accepting and safe. Kids and teens get better and heal because of Jamie’s work to create a safe and fun place for them to be themselves.”


Beth Hopkins - school based mental health

Beth Hopkins, School-Based Mental Health

“Beth sets the bar for clinical care, great paperwork, productivity, being an active participant in supervision/consultations, and providing excellent customer service to her clients, families, and her school. Beth mentors other school-based therapists and also helps her colleagues complete assessments for children under 5 years old. She’s a strong and steady presence on the school-based therapy team, while providing her team with light and laughter, which has been needed more than ever for staff working in schools during a pandemic.”


Jessica Torrey - mobile crisis support - 2022 ceo award recipient

Jessica Torrey, Anoka Mobile Crisis

“Jessica has worked closely with Anoka County to set up referrals from 911 that are effective and help get people in mental health crisis the help they need. Jessica dove deep into our Credible transition to help make sure that mobile crisis teams had good workflows. She continues to run a consultation groups for LGSWs across the organization and also conducts supervision for LICSW interns.”

Canvas Health Honors 2022 CEO Award Recipients

Canvas Health leadership recently announced the agency’s annual CEO Awards. The awards highlight accomplishments in areas including impact to the organization, stress/crisis management, going beyond job description, performance excellence, contribution to morale, and leadership development. 2021 Canvas Health CEO Award Recipients The 2022 CEO Award recipients include: Andrew Baur, Darcy Gassman, Rodney Gayle, Beth Hopkins, […]

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