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About Canvas Health Clinical Internships

Canvas Health offers graduate students in their second or final year of their program clinical internship opportunities in several areas of our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic. These include placements in our outpatient clinics, the agency’s school-based program, mobile crisis response teams, Functional Family Therapy (FFT) and in our Family Treatment Program (FTP) program.

Placements are designed to meet the needs of the intern’s graduate placement requirements, provide client contact hours to successfully fulfill educational/institutional requirements, and further the development of our next generation of providers.  Internships are paid, including administrative/training time, and client contact hours.

Internship opportunities are limited, and include an application and interview process. Interested students on licensure tracks of LICSW, LMFT and LPCC are eligible to apply. To apply for an internship placement with Canvas Health, download this application, complete it, and submit to Canvas Health at


Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Placements:

  • Length of placement: 12 months; September-August
  • Applications accepted: April through June for placements
  • Description of internship duties: Interns will initially shadow an assigned clinician in-office, and gradually build their own caseload of clients, while receiving supervision, training on the agency’s electronic health record system, and collaboration/sign-off on field placement forms.

School-Based and Functional Family Therapy (FFT) Placements

Mobile Crisis Response Programs

  • Length of placement: 9 months; September-May
  • Applications accepted: April-June
  • Description of internship duties: Students are involved in the triage of crisis calls during day hours, responding to immediate crisis response needs, providing crisis assessments, treatment planning and offering brief crisis stabilization services in which clients are offered intervention services, followed by linking clients to ongoing mental health services once their crisis episode has concluded.  Students learn clinical assessment skills, treatment planning, therapeutic interventions, utilizing an electronic health record, collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and engaging in community outreach and education opportunities.
  • Location of crisis teams/internships: Scott County, Anoka County, and East Central Crisis Services (Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine Counties, as well as members of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe)

Family Treatment Program (FTP)

  • Length of placement: 12 months; September-August
  • Applications accepted: April through June for placements that start in September.
  • Description of internship duties: Interns will initially be shadowing therapists providing services to children/teens and their families in their homes, and then shift into a role as co-therapists for the full-time staff seeing these clients and their families. The FTP program with youth (age 6-18) and their families with high risk of out of home placement into Residential Treatment Center, group home or foster care home. As such our clients are often dealing both with significant and multiple problems, and it is often the case that we see clients where they have not been successful with previous providers. Since much of the work we do with our clients is family work, most of our sessions with clients are scheduled during late afternoon and evening hours – as such an intern joining our program should expect to be working 3-4 late afternoons and evenings per week. Interns will receive supervision from the program supervisor, will be trained on our electronic health record system, and will receive ongoing support and guidance from their co-therapists who will take the clinical lead with the clients they share.
  • Location of FTP team: Washington County

To apply for an internship

Download this application, complete it, and submit to Canvas Health at

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