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COVID-19 Details and Recall Plan

March 16, 2020

As an Essential Community Provider in the State of Minnesota, Canvas Health clinics are open and providing services to individuals in our clinics and in the community. Our clinic- and community-based clinicians are following CDC recommendations for cleaning as well as following recommended precautions regarding coming to work.

Our recall plan as of July 1, 2021:

Canvas Health is happy to welcome many of our clients and clinicians back to in-person services beginning July 1! We are pleased to be offering in-person services for our clients who take part in our substance use groups and substance use individual treatment, case management, school-based, CTSS, and peer specialist/peer recovery specialist offerings.

More in-person services will become available soon! For questions about in-person and telehealth services or to make an appointment, please call (651) 777-5222 or email

Precautions and masking:

Canvas Health continues to strongly encourage staff and clients to use known precautions to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Please do not attend an in-person appointment or meet with your community-based provider if you are having symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, muscle soreness, or shortness of breath, or if you have been in close contact with someone confirmed positive or currently being evaluated for COVID-19.

All clients and staff who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are no longer required to mask or wear face coverings; however, both are strongly encouraged to do so. Clients and staff who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 shall continue to wear a mask or face covering.


Some services will continue to have a telehealth option, which allows clients to meet with their providers through an app and the camera on their computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please check with your service provider and/or insurance for more details.

COVID Preparedness and Recall Plan: 

Click here for the Canvas Health COVID Preparedness and Recall Plan.

We will continue to provide updates regarding our services as we have them visit and our Facebook page for the latest news. Please call us at (651) 777-5222 or email for scheduling questions.

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